Tag Archives: YouTube

Embrace Hope.

I say we make this happen. We must set this world ablaze with hope. We can. We are the fuel.

I saw this status posted on Facebook by Jennifer Wright, who in turn found this somewhere else. I take no credit for the idea…but yeah…

…we can make this happen.

Whether she wears pink or blue…or GOLD, something like this can and will make an enormous difference.

Here you can sign a petition.


Here you can Like and support pages that spread this cause!


Beautiful and Bald Barbie! Let’s see if we can get it made

…and if you’re on Facebook, join here.

Mattel Make This

Like so many movements, it starts with one.

That one lit the match.


The author of this plea is Randall Cooper of Aiken, SC.

Magan Vernon: Always A Writer

Magan Vernon, newest addition to DarkSide Publishing shares with us today what many of us believe with every fiber of our being.
After the birth of my daughter I never thought I would have time to write again.  Between sleepless nights and just caring for another human being I didn’t think I would have time for anything else.  Before she was born I had so much time.  I could stay up late writing, instead of getting up every two hours for a feeding and I had all the time in the world to keep up with social media and a blogging schedule.  But with a little one in my life I found that those things slowly started to dwindle. Instead of checking my tweets, I was checking Youtube for lullaby videos.  It was settled, this was my new life. Continue reading

The Stories:Book One Trailer

I have no fear of the dark. No. It is my hope.