Tag Archives: Christ

Stop. Seriously.

I was hanging a picture up for my daughter, she’s five, and she started singing. She likes “Moves Like Jagger.” It’s her Maneater.*

I’ve heard her before, but maybe because everything else was quiet, I listened. My daughter can sang. I’m not just saying that because she’s my daughter. But because I’m a singer. My dad is a singer. It runs in the family.

That’s not the point.

Point is… hearing her precious little voice made me think of how very awful it would be to hear her cry. I mean, she’s cried before. She’s had her shots. She’s been upset. My wife and I have consoled her. But I mean, cry from within. I thought of how terrible it would be to have her abused. Or hurt. Emotionally. Mentally. To have her heart saddened. I know in life every one must endure some sadness and pain. We can learn and many times, grow from life’s trials and tribulations. It’s part of this whole living thing.

Without chaos, how can we know how strong we are?

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I See My Demons. They See Me Too.

The following is a comment I recently typed out, recently meaning like 10 minutes ago in response to a blog post by Carlos Whittaker on  Ragamuffin Soul. The blog post is entitled Amy Winehouse Is Me And I Am Amy Winehouse. In it he writes, and it’s a brief one, how pastors and the like of many churches use these situations-death by way of od, addiction, etc-to illustrate how not to be. “The demons she battled with are the demons that plague people like her”. Well, he is right on the money in saying to these speakers and teachers that WE are the ones who have demons.

By we I mean ALL OF US.

–Simple yet poignant. A truth we often forget. What is that truth?

Well, the Word says all have sinned. We know what it means of course. But who has sought deeper into what it means that all have sinned?

At that point in history when the author Paul wrote this…well here is a very brief and painfully obvious history lesson: I was not born yet. Neither were you.
I know, right?

Stay with me. Paul knew-I know he did because he heard the voice of God, he lived and breathed Christ-that he was not only speaking of himself and those around him–those alive at the time-and those who would come. People a hundred years from then. A thousand years from then. US. And those who will come after us.

For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23.

We all make choices. Let us make the right ones. As a Friend on Facebook says-”it is not always easy.”

It was through that Friend, Michael Gomez, that I found my way here.

What is my point? If nothing else it is that we are the ones Paul speaks of when he says “all”.

Yes, Carlos, You are Amy. And Amy is you…and so am I.–

Dreams. My Father. I write about them.

I wrote a little ditty about our dreams and what we wish to accomplish and a little about my father.

He would recite this poem to us when we were kids.

I THINK that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the sweet earth’s flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.



Trees by Joyce Kilmer.

My favorite part was the last line, especially how he made his voice deepen and would say it with strength. My father taught me a lot of things…and I owe him so much.

I hope you stop by and read, maybe comment.

The blog post.

Share your thoughts.

Mostly, be blessed.


Who Am I?: An Original Guest Post For Paula Wiseman

Thank you, again Paula.

One my favorite things about the Internet is that you connect with amazing people you might not ever have met otherwise. Today I want to introduce you to fellow writer, Tymothy Longoria. I love his passion for the things of God, and I think you will too. Be on the lookout for his upcoming epic fantasy The Stories:Book One. Like his  Facebook page to stay current on that project’s progress. Online Family, meet Tymothy. Tymothy, welcome to my place.–Paula

Who am I? I am Writer.

Hello all. First I’d like to thank Paula for having me. She is a true blessing and a wonderful writer.

I am compelled to write a short post about why I write or what drives me to write.

I guess I can say it “started” when I felt the need to write to bless God. What I mean of course, is sometimes we have no real intention of doing. So, I sat and wrote a poem. Yes, a poem. Well, one might say , “Everybody does that.” Not true. Not everybody can write a poem as I have come to learn. Not everyone can bring a line or two together and weave those two lines with two others and so on and so on. There are people whose strength lies in mathematics, in teaching, in speaking. More power to those who have found their gifts and realize the grace they have been given to use them. I am in the former category. I digress.

In this poem, I wanted to conjure a vision, not of brokenness or forgiveness-wait, I’m getting there-but of feeling lost . Of being lost. Why? Because I was lost until I was 15. I had heard of Christ and heard of what He “did” but never actually spoke to Him and years later, I wanted to thank Him by putting on paper what I think the soul feels apart from Him. The time came of course and I accepted Him and His forgiveness. The poem. The words appeared on to the page and as I read it, I was taken aback. For me it was groundbreaking. It was remarkable. I had created this. From there I wrote more. And more. Then? I put it aside. No, I put it in a box and stored it in a closet.

Until just a few years ago, more specifically, three years ago, I was working to jobs and while working at my night job, I literally had a revelation. Or epiphany, whichever sounds better. My wife and I were talking about when we were kids, I like robots-I’d draw them all the time-and she liked flowers, of course. It was then I got an idea. Something that many, many of us have said before. I could write a book ! So, I wrote one. It’s called The Sad Little Robut . Thing is I wrote it. Then…

I read this: The gifts and calling of God are irrevocable. Romans 11:29

And I said to myself, “This is who I am in You.” I heard this over and over. It played in my head. It rang out in my heart. “Nothing you do will prevent Me from doing what I set out to do.” Indeed. From Robut I got an idea for a saga, a trilogy that I am currently working on. It’s called The Stories and I am overwhelmed at all that is happening and the hope that He has given me.

What’s more, is I have so many ideas for books, it boggles my mind. BUT, I remember, God says When I do something, I go all the way! Question is: Will you follow suit and have the faith that I Am?

I have faith that He is in control and He has kept His Word. Here’s to writers’. We know what we are.

Do you know what you are in Him?

More than a conqueror.

May you all be blessed and continue in Him.

Note: This may echo other things I’ve written. But it’s my truth 🙂

Consumed With Fire:Tina Savage Wetor

This week’s Guest is Tina Savage Wetor, a Sister in Christ with a passion, a desire for God.

“My greatest desire is for God’s presence to return to America in our churches, to heal the abused, and our children to know God’s love.” ~Tina

Why do I write?  Honestly, it’s like asking a gun, “Why are you loaded?”  “I am all fired up.”  If I don’t get the Word of God out of me, I am afraid I am going too exploded.  There is a fire consuming my being, the Word wants to get out.  I can’t do anything but share it, even if others want to put it out.  Regardless if I am preaching, writing articles or poetry, or talking I am consumed with my passion for the love of God’s Word.  The Word of God has captured my life, so much I have yield to the Author.  My background was very difficult but I was searching for truth, love, and acceptance.  Only in God’s Word have I been able to overcome the obstacles in my life of low self-esteem and sin.  God’s word was a lamp unto my feet and light unto my path.  It has brought purpose, peace, and protection into my life.  The world will always try to minimize your worth, God wants to maximize it.   Life can be fulfilling if it’s nourishment in love.  This was a very difficult lesson to learn but I am grateful each day to walk it.

Understandable, we can never repay God for all of the bountiful blessings He has given.  My hearts passion is to love the Lord with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength.  When I get to Heaven, I just want to collapse at the feet of Jesus.  My only response: Jesus, I love you.  Yes, I know I can’t earn my way to heaven or my salvation; it’s a gift of God.  What a gift!!  I don’t believe many Christians comprehend the beauty of this gift.  So many treat God’s gifts with negligence, completely ungratefulness, and don’t realize its worth.   Yes, we are an heir to the throne of grace through the adoption of God’s love.

My heart ache’s for the ones who don’t know God, their worth, and the power of God’s redeeming love.  Even within the body of Christ, believers are walking bond to the lies of Satan about their worth.  Satan whispers condemnation, doubt, and lies to trap their lives.  If we can comprehend the TRUTH, we will not tolerate it.  Our confidence is only found in Christ who lifts our heads up, so we can reflect the Son.  In my life, I want my heart to reflect the glory of the Son who is the living Word.  Jesus has captured my heart so deeply, I don’t know how else to express my gratitude except to die to Him.  I surrender my life only for my Savior who displayed His love for me before the world.  How could I not want to do the same?

You can find more of  Tina’s anointed, inspiring, Spirit-led writings on her blog.


She is also a Contributing Admin at Wonderfully Made

Be blessed!